Just finished up a new site for Pacific Judo & Ju Jitsu Academy out of San Jose. I just need to get it approved and I can transfer it all over to their server…
Finishing up a new site
WordPress 3.3.1
If you have a WordPress web site there is a new security update. Just log into your dashboard and update.
New WordPress Update!
For everyone with a word press site there is a brand new 3.3 update! Log into your dashboard and update your version…..
Happy Holidays !
On behalf of everyone at Buildwordpress.co we would like to wish everyone happy holidays and thanks for your business !!!
Ron (CEO)
New SIte Design
Hey everyone, Becky who is from Loomis Ca is starting her own business. So if you need help getting organized, she’s the one to call !!!!
Moving WordPress
There are times when you need to move WordPress around within your server, and times when you need to move WordPress from one server to another. You don’t need to reinstall. WordPress is flexible enough to handle all of these situations.
If you need your WordPress site moved, just fill out my contact form and I will get it done !!!
Good Visual Design
First things first… Visual design. I don’t know about you, but if I go to a web site that is not visually pleasing, it is a quick turn off.
That’s not to say that every top website needs an incredible visual design — but if a site looks like it hasn’t been updated since 1994, it’s just not going to be associated with other great websites.
A clean and simple design is usually all you need. Bells and whistles are nice, but I’m one who tends to go with the “less is more” theory. You don’t want your design to be over crowded. You just want it to look good so it can stand out from your competitor(s) in the minds of your potential clients.
First impressions are key. Although good design alone will not keep someone on your site — an eye-catching design will, at the very least, grab their attention long enough to take a look around.
The importance of a good site layout
Websites are judged by content and layout. How good your content maybe, if your layout is not appealing, visitors will not be eager to come back. Everyone is not born with a quality of creating layouts that are pleasing to the eye. Website design is not a one time activity. Almost all websites alter their layouts to give it a new and better look. Also with advancement in technology, underlying code also changes accordingly, adding new possibilities of providing a better layout.
Keep it simple: A simple website layout is user friendly. Do not create complex navigational links using complex scripts or images that maynot be viewable correctly in different browsers. Also search engines cannot index the site properly if complex navigation is involved. Minimize the use of bulky images which take long to load. Use smaller icons to attract visitor’s attention instead.
WordPress 3.2
For all of you WordPress users out there. There is a new version of WordPress that gives your dashboard a new look…..
The importance of a good site layout
Websites are judged by content and layout. How good your content maybe, if your layout is not appealing, visitors will not be eager to come back. Everyone is not born with a quality of creating layouts that are pleasing to the eye. If you have been to different Yahoo groups, you might have found various color combinations that the group owner has chosen. Some of them have red backgrounds with blue colored text creating a blinding effect. Although Yahoo provides all the possible color combinations, some choose the wrong colors.